
Our family run business was founded by Inge Zaagsma and Danny Nijboer and coming from a sincere passion for cake decorating.CakeSupplies, part of NewCakes, is the wholesale for professionals in the cake decorating business. Within this industry our company has quickly grown into the European market leader for multi-brand specialty retail.
Since January 2021 we are part of the international family business Dr. Oetker. Joining this group was a logical step at this stage of our business and provides a solid foundation to continue executing future plans for growth.
For many years already we have been ahead when it comes to online sales through our B2B platform. To our customer base belong professional large scale consumers, specialized retailers focusing on the home baking market and large chains in hobby, food and household items. Within our webshop we focus highly on an easy ordering process and thanks to our state of the art logistics we are perfectly able to supply everybody from the (semi) professional cake decorator to large chains fast and directly from stock.
Our assortment consists of almost 5000 products from 30 brands, ensuring continuous innovation in trends and enabling us to offer the right basic assortment as well as a further specialised range of products for very specific cake decorating techniques. We are official distribution partner of FunCakes, Wilton, Renshaw, Rainbow Dust, Sugarflair and The Sugar Paste. In addition, you get access to more than 30 top brands such as Callebaut, Dr Oetker, Colour Mill, LorAnn, PME, Silikomart and Smartflex. By this optimal availability of our assortment, we aspire to be European market leader. With excelling in assortment, service and logistics we want to be a reliable partner for all our relations. We invest in a close cooperation with our A brand suppliers in the areas of marketing, sales and product development.

We supply, with around 60 motivated employees, over 5.000 business accounts in approximately 28 countries throughout Europe. As an employer, we value a nice and safe workplace in which everyone’s talent can be developed. Our culture is dynamic and informal with space for own initiatives.
Casablancaweg 20
1047 HP Amsterdam
The Netherlands
+31 (0)85 – 007 58 88